November 18, 2018

Japan's cultural & historical treasure - part 1 of 3


Kiyomizu-dera - Iconic Buddhist Temple on Mount Otowa

Kyōto - a magical place.
Wandering through Kyōto truly feels like being part of traditional Japan. This city has so much cultural beauty to offer that we could just experience a fraction of it in three days.
On the first day we visited the Higashi Hongan-ji temple, the Yasaka shrine in the Maruyama park and the iconic buddhist temple - Kiyomizu-dera. Furthermore we enjoyed the sight of the Hōkan-ji pagoda temple and the feeling of the 400 year old Nishiki market with stalls offering all manner of Japanese edibles.
In Kyōto even wandering between the sights feels magical - lots of Japanese dressed in Kimonos walking between historical buildings on narrow roads packed with stalls offering seasonal sweets and savory snacks.

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Higashi Hongan-ji
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Maruyama Park
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Samurai Statues in the Maruyama Park
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Hōkan-ji Pagoda Temple
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Gate of the Kiyomizu-dera
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Dragon Sculpture at Kiyomizu-dera
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Buddha at Kiyomizu-dera
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Two women washing hands and drinking from the Otowa Waterfall at Kiyomizu-dera
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Women wearing a Kimono
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Nishiki market