November 18, 2018

Japan's cultural & historical treasure - part 3 of 3


Me on the Fushimi Inari Path

After a second good nights sleep on futons in a 150 years old traditional house, we walked up the Fushimi Inari Taisha path. This path features hundreds of torii - traditional gates marking the entrance of the shrine. Although Kyōto offers a lot of breathtaking sights, I am tempted to say that I enjoyed the Fushimi Inari path the most.
After that we headed further north to see the Kyōto Imperial Palace. There we just walked a bit through the park as the palace was closed unfortunately. Then we wandered to our last sight for this trip, the Nijō castle - an impressive cyprus-wood castle with extensive gardens.
Finally, tired but happy about all the new impressions, we got a Shikansen back to Toyko, in which we enjoyed some purchased sweets and sake.
Arigatou gozaimasu - Thank you very much. :)

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Fushimi Inari Gate
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Fushimi Inari Komainu Fox
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Fushimi Inari Komainu Fox
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Fushimi Inari Path
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Good shot of my companion on the Fushimi Inari Path
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Nijō Castle Gate
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Nijō Castle
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Nijō Castle Garden
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Looking over Nijō Casle from the Wall