December 20, 2018

The last underwater paradise - part 1


Colourful triggerfish

Fish and so much more.
For the next few posts I would like to show you an excursion out of Japan to tropical Wakatobi to appreciate its underwater world. Wakatobi consists of several islands and is an Indonesian national park.
The underwater world in Wakatobi is simply stunning - so much life and diversity. Nothing I’ve ever seen before and how I imagine all reefs used to be many years ago before we changed the climate so drastically. It is a shame that reefs like this hardly exist anymore. Also this one here has to be protected with so much effort and is yet since 20 years still recovering. For example the sharkes did still not recover to a healthy number - we only saw a few.
Note: The pictures are made with the Fujifilm X-T20 in a case with no flash. That is why the pictures are so blue-ish. However, I was so amazed by the breathtaking views that I wanted to share the pictures anyways.
I hope you like to look at fish! :)

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Flying spotted eagle-ray
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Little yellow fish
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Poisonous but peaceful cool snake
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Fish taking a break from swimming and relaxing a bit on the sand.
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Camouflaged crocodile fish
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Curious big fish
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