January 14, 2019

Yokohama Impressions

Yokohama, Kanagawa

Emperor Guan's Shrine in Yokohama

Daytrip to Yokohama.
Since a few days I am back in Tokyo. Despite suffering from jetlag, 2019 started with great news: an university friend of mine will do his master thesis in Yokohama, which is only half an hour by train from Tokyo!
Together we explored the city by foot and visited Minato Mirai, Chinatown and the Sankei-en garden while catching up and having fun of course. :)
Please enjoy the pictures and let me wish you all the best for 2019 with this first post of the year.

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Minato Mirai
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Chinatown Zenrinmon Gate
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Emperor Guan's Shrine
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Yokohama Bay Bridge
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Sankei-en Garden
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Me being happy :)
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Sankei-en Pagoda
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Sankei-en - Uni Friend
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Sankei-en Garden